Balancing your human resources exactly with your needs is not always possible. Sometimes you need to staff up for a turn-around or large project. Sometimes you need to bring in some short-term coverage for an employee or you may need a special skill for a finite amount of time.
Contract staffing is a great tool to provide you with an opportunity to work with someone for a finite period prior to deciding whether you need their services full time.
Good candidates have careers, they are working hard, paid well and not paying attention to job boards, adverts or career portals. In order to attract the best available candidate into your organization, you need to reach into the marketplace and present your opportunity directly to those good candidates. specializes in passive candidate search, that is going out and speaking to those star candidates who will make a difference to your firm. At over 200,000 telephone calls per year, we make sure they are hearing about you.
If you count yourself among those who want to explore new career opportunities in today's expanding job market, are you adequately prepared to successfully compete? If not, top professional "headhunter" and best-selling job-hunting book author Searchrsa's own Skip Freeman can show you how to get prepared and land the job of your dreams!