Research has shown that changing employment or applying for a first job ranks as the 3rd most stress causing event in a person's life after losing a spouse or relocating. Interviews are generally stressful events for most candidates and to ensure a win for company and candidate it is imperative to unpack their real motivations for moving (yeah Money is in there, but so are 5 other reasons).
For ease of reference, these are referred to as CLAMPS
C - Challenge- Level of technical/job specific growth and intensity of the learning curve to mastery of a position. (Horizontal development and expertise)
Employees quit their jobs out of boredom and mundane activities on the one hand OR due to overwhelming expectations they are unable to attain. Certain lifestyle events may contribute to a need for increased challenge like with someone who just completed an MBA, whereas a newly divorced mom and primary caregiver may want to opt for a less demanding role, to be available for her children during certain hours of the day. L - Location - This aspect refers to the company domain and physical environment and where the office is located. Candidates will often change jobs due to extensive commuting to and from work, without the means or willingness to relocate closer to their office. Other influencing matters may include the physical location of their place of work, perhaps in a dangerous area or even just the nature of their job requiring too much travel.
A - Advancement - Some candidates need elevation (vertically climbing the hierarchy of the corporate ladder based on promotion and increased seniority) to achieve self-actualization. Their main aspirations are for promotion, career growth, and increased responsibility. Employees who prioritize advancement usually pursue alternative opportunities when they are unable to reach a higher job level within their current organization, due to opportunities not becoming vacant or where the timeframe to reach the next level in a company seems to be too tedious.
Be extra cautious when delving into Challenge and Advancement questions as candidates often confuse the two concepts:
CHALLENGE as a motivation for moving entails the level of effort or intensity required to achieve certain outcomes within the job scope (tasks, duties, functionalities). ADVANCEMENT as a motivation for moving refers to the hierarchical growth within a position or division in terms of title, designation and job grade. (responsibility level) M - Money - Generally salary seems like a legitimate reason for moving, but many a candidate fall into the trap of associating a salary increase with job satisfaction and career progress. One needs to cautiously tread around the perception of what a market-related salary entails. The average increase is usually between 10% - 12%, and if your candidate are expecting more than this, expectations needs to be managed immediately before continuing with the interview process P - People - Crowd motivating factors refers to the people dynamics of the organization, company culture, and employee satisfaction levels. Candidates will also differ regarding the type of working environment they prefer. Not everyone will be comfortable in a cut-throat corporate environment and for others a family type vibe may seem quite appalling instead of appealing.
S - Stability - The perceived level of security that a company may offer to employees is another motivating factor. Some candidates are extremely risk averse get antsy when talks of layoffs or takeover rumours come through the grapevine. On the other hand A young graduate may feel comfortable to take a risk with a start-up organization, whereas the breadwinner of a family would rather work for a large company, which is well known for longevity in terms of brand and product offering. How secure someone feels at their company and in their position day in and day out, can be a contributing factor when considering a change.