Imagine going through an interview process of three rounds, conducting testing and assessments, setting up a meet and greet for the candidate with EXCO, sending the offer letter to the successful incumbent and then... NO RESPONSE. This is referred to as ''ghosting''. Employer practices of radio silence are still continuing to this day, causing agony, frustration and anxiety among candidates. Notifying a candidate when they have been unsuccessful in their application at your organization should be a given, not a "should we, shouldn't we" decision.
Radio silence in the sense of:
1. Not notifying candidates that they were not shortlisted after receiving their resumes
2. Failing to provide any feedback whatsoever to interviewed candidates following the completion of the hiring process Employer practices of radio silence are still continuing to this day, causing agony, frustration and anxiety among candidates.
Why you need to provide feedback:
Your employer brand is on the line. Candidates talk and recruiters walk. Negating on feedback may get your company banned to the Talent Dessert, losing out on top candidates time and again.
Once you brand has been linked to ghosting, it becomes almost impossible to remove that stigma in the long run.