When was the last time you logged onto a job board to find a new job? As a hiring manager, you have a good career, you are busy with meetings, that new project or that report or budget that is due in a few week's time. When work is not occupying your time you are spending your free time with your family, your hobbies or your other pursuits. You are just like every other good quality candidate out there, you are not spending your days browsing the classifieds or trolling the job boards!
When you have a new position, think about yourself and then think about that top candidate you want to fill the role. Do you really want the best of the candidates that where actively looking for positions? The best candidate who saw your advert on the web or in the newspaper? How can you be sure that the candidates who visited your company's career portal represent a good sample of the top talent available? When last did you visit the career portal of other companies? The point is that you need to interview a selection of the best available candidates, not the best of the candidates who don't have jobs or don't like their current job.
Passive candidates like you need to be phoned up and told about the exciting opportunity that is available, it's that simple. At Searchrsa we make over 200,000 telephone calls per year and we present opportunities to over 23,000 candidates per year. Our consultants work dedicated niche areas and they make it a point to know as many professionals in their niche area as possible. Even if those professionals never go out for interview, we want to stay in conversation with them, just in case it's your position that's the one that gets them interested.