FOUR CLASSIC INTERVIEW QUESTIONSExperienced job seekers know there are four basic types of interview questions—and they prepare accordingly. First, there are the resume...
WHAT QUESTIONS SHOULD YOU ASK?A job interview will quickly disintegrate into an interrogation or monologue unless you ask some high quality questions of your own....
HOW TO ANSWER INTERVIEW QUESTIONS?Here are eight of the most commonly asked (and basic) interviewing questions. Do yourself and the prospective employer a favor, and give...
DON'T TALK YOURSELF OUT OF A JOBThere are two ways to answer interview questions: the short version and the long version. When a question is open-ended, I always suggest...
THE SECRET TO INTERVIEW SUCCESSAssuming you’re qualified for the job, the outcome of your employment interview will be dependent on your ability to discover needs and...
RESUME OVERKILLNearly everything written about resume design concentrates on what you should put in. But let’s look at what should be left out, or at...
BEEFING UP AN ANEMIC RESUMETo get the most mileage out of your resume, you’ll want to emphasize certain aspects of your background. By doing so, you’ll present your...
CHOOSING THE BEST RESUME FORMATYour resume can be arranged in one of two basic formats: summary or chronological. The summary (or functional) resume distills your total...
A STRONGER RESUME WILL INCREASE YOUR ODDSReality Check: Given the choice of two candidates of equal ability, hiring managers will always prefer to interview the one with the most...
TEN KEYS TO A DYNAMITE RESUMETo help you construct a better, more powerful resume, here are ten overall considerations in regard to your resume’s content and...